Terms & Conditions

This Page sets out the terms of participation in the 2024 "I Built it Smarter Photo competition".

1. The promoter of this Competition is Smartkits Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 84 139 101 858) Part of the QHI Group, Unit 12, 58 Metroplex Avenue, Murarrie, QLD, 4172.

2. Each entry must be entered in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. By entering the Competition, each entrant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. The Promoter may in its discretion refuse to award any prize to any entrant who fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions. All relevant instructions on the Promoter's website form part of these Terms and Conditions.

3. Entry into the Competition is free.

4. The Competition is open to entries from the 4/07/2024 to the 25/08/2024 ("Competition Period"). Any entry received after the expiry of the Competition Period will be deemed invalid. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost, delayed or misdirected entries. Voting will commence on the 1/09/2024 and conclude at 9am 16/09/2024.

5. To enter the Competition, you must use the Entry Form Provided and meet the following criteria:

i) Purchased a kit from Smartkits Australia Pty Ltd.
ii) Have not entered your structure into the "I Built It Smarter" Photo Competition before.
Note: Each kit can only be entered in this competition once. Repeat customers can enter any new structures into this competition provided they have not been featured in past competitions.

6. Each entry must include at minimum 4 x Landscape photo's fitting the entry details.

7. By submitting the Photo to the Promoter, you grant the Promoter and its licensees and assignees a non-exclusive licence to exercise all rights in perpetuity throughout the world in the Photo and all other material provided by you to the Promoter at any time.

8. Without limiting the rights granted to the Promoter under point 7, you specifically agree that point 8 grants to the Promoter the non-exclusive right throughout the world to communicate the Photo in whole or in part to the public on any media platform and you grant to the Promoter all associated rights necessary to exercise the above rights.

9. The entrant whose Photo is judged by the Promoter's panel of judges to best encapsulate the ‘I Built it Smarter’ theme will win the first prize ("First Prize Winner").

10. Our top 20 finalist will be decided as follows: The 10 entries with the most votes will have a guaranteed place in our top 20 finalist. The other 10 will be selected by our panel of industry professionals once the voting has concluded. Chance plays no part in determining the prize winners.

The First Prize Winner will receive -$50,000
The Second Prize Winner will receive - $10,000
The Third Prize Winner will receive - $5,000

15. You warrant that:

(i) all details provided with your entry are true and accurate;
(ii) you have all necessary rights and licenses to grant the rights set out in these Terms and Conditions;
(iii) the Photo is an original work;
(iv) you are the copyright owner or authorised licensor of all copyright works and subject matter comprising the Photo;
(v) the exercise of the rights granted to the Promoter in these Terms and Conditions will not infringe the rights of any third parties; and you will indemnify the Promoter against any loss or damage resulting from any breach of these warranties.

16. You acknowledge that the Promoter is under no obligation to exercise any of the rights granted to it by these Terms and Conditions.

17. You agree that the Promoter may use your entry and any personal details provided to the Promoter for any promotional, marketing and publicity purposes of the Promoter in any media without notice and without any fee paid to you.

18. Decisions of the Promoter and its panel of judges are final and will be binding on each person who enters the Competition and no correspondence will be entered into. The name of the prize winners will be announced on Tuesday 1st of October 2024. (provided there are a significant number of entries).

19. In the event that a prize winner is unable to be contacted, the Promoter will retain the prize for Six (6) months from the date of the judges' decision. If any prize is not claimed within Six (6) months of the date of the judges' decision, the judges may determine another winner for the unclaimed prize. A winner of any unclaimed prize will be the prize winner for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions.

20. If there is any event that prevents or hinders the Promoter's conduct of the Competition or the Promoter's ability to deliver the prizes to the prize winners, the Promoter may, in its discretion, cancel the Competition and recommence it at another time under the same conditions or select another winner.

21. The Promoter is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, or for any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in this Competition, or for any technical error that may occur in the course of the administration of this Competition. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or alteration of entries.

22. To the full extent permitted by the law, the Promoter will not be liable for any injury, damages, expenses, or loss whatsoever (whether direct or inconsequential) to persons or property as a result of any person entering into the Competition or accepting or using any prize, including without limitation non-receipt of any prize or damage to any prize in transit.

23. All required permits have been ascertained for this competition, Please contact us for details if required.